Hi Friends! And welcome back to the blog. About a week shy of my son’s first birthday I wrote a blog post called Dear Sleep, I miss you. As a mama who was suffering from sleep deprivation and exhaustion since MLK day 2019 (yes, I know the exact date) I was struggling when I wrote that post.

But here I am a week shy of my son turning 16 months old to tell you that I have made it to the light at the end of the tunnel. Remy has been sleeping through the night ya’ll!

Over the past few weeks Remy has made some serious leaps in the sleep department. He has been sleeping through the entire night with one wake up here and there.

I am beyond excited!

This is a vast improvement from his previous antics of waking up 5-6 times a night. So, pray for me and keep your fingers crossed that he keeps this up during and after our move.

In my previous post about sleep I admitted to throwing all the proven sleep hygiene tips out the window and instead implemented my own survival tips. This mama was just trying to make it through the day. Now that I am no longer subjected to living off fumes, I am working on getting rid of my bad habits.

I am trading in my survival tips for the sleep hygiene habits I had in place prior to having a baby.

Decrease Coffee & other caffeine usage: I am a big-time coffee drinker. Instead of drinking 3-4 cups all day every day I limited my intake to 1 ½ cups, and no coffee after 1PM.  

Blue light filter: I would be lying if I said I did not look at my phone or any electronics before going to bed. Even though it is recommended to avoid the use of electronics 1 hour before your bedtime I am guilty of looking at my phone. Since I am still a work in progress and a sucker for a funny convo with my girlfriends, I make sure to put the blue light filter on my phone when I migrate to my bedroom at night.

Read: Since I have been trying to get back into reading, I figured what better time to get a few chapters in than before bed. Since we have a TV in our bedroom my husband and I usually watch one or two episodes of one of our TV shows before I pull out my book. I have started ending my night by reading a few chapters in one of my books.

Hot tea: While I am watching a show with my husband or reading, I drink a cup of sleepy time or chamo tea with lemon and honey. The sleepy time tea I drink has a natural sleep aid and I find hot tea to be calming and soothing.   

Eye mask: Have you ever realized how bright the light is from a baby monitor? As a person who prefers to be in a pitch-black room, I find the light from our baby monitor to be absolutely ridiculous. It is extremely bright! Since we must keep our monitor on, I have started wearing my eye mask again. It has done wonders and now I fall asleep faster and stay asleep a lot longer.

There are a few other tips you can incorporate into your daily routine to improve your sleep such as limiting naps to 30 minutes, reducing the use of alcohol & nicotine, engaging in regular exercise, guided meditation, stretching, diffusing essential oils, or using black out curtains.

Now mamas I want to hear from you! Give me the details on your little one’s sleep journey. How old was your child(ren) when they started sleeping through the night? Or are you still struggling and suffering in the sleep department? Share your stories and favorite survival or sleep hygiene tips below.

If you like what you read don’t forget to like, share, comment, and subscribe.

See you next time,


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© Prepared to Prosper and Patience Riley, 2023. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Patience Riley and Prepared to Prosper with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. A request can be made by emailing info@whoamamas.com.  

The content on this website and blog are for informational purposes only. Prepared to Prosper, LLC and Patience Riley assume no responsibility for how you use any information or documentation provided through this site. Nothing contained on the site shall constitute as professional advice or substitute treatment. None of the information available on this site shall be construed as an endorsement, guarantee, representation or warranty with respect to any therapeutic practitioner or treatment. 

If you need any additional support as you navigate motherhood schedule a 15-minute consultation with Patience today. You are not alone mama.

Copyright Statement
© Prepared to Prosper and Patience Riley, 2023. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Patience Riley and Prepared to Prosper with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. A request can be made by emailing info@whoamamas.com.  

The content on this website and blog are for informational purposes only. Prepared to Prosper, LLC and Patience Riley assume no responsibility for how you use any information or documentation provided through this site. Nothing contained on the site shall constitute as professional advice or substitute treatment. None of the information available on this site shall be construed as an endorsement, guarantee, representation or warranty with respect to any therapeutic practitioner or treatment. 

The content on this website and blog are for informational purposes only. Prepared to Prosper, LLC and Patience Riley assume no responsibility for how you use any information or documentation provided through this site. Nothing contained on the site shall constitute as professional advice or substitute treatment. None of the information available on this site shall be construed as an endorsement, guarantee, representation or warranty with respect to any therapeutic practitioner or treatment. 

4 thoughts on “Dear Sleep… Part II

  1. Love the authenticity of all this! I do remember when my guys were youngerish (they are 6 and 7 now) and sleep was never ending fight of balance. For me I’ve found that making sure I don’t get too much into something sugary close to bed helps sleep come a little easier. And for me with less sleep it was always a battle next day to have energy so I was like you reaching for anything that might help! And I know junk food is always the easiest and quickest thing to grab when your lacking sleep and energy but woo does it only last for short bit! Trying to reach for healthier options for me has always given me more longevity to last the day. Mine are 10 months apart so I needed all the energy! Glad to hear your finding what works for you and know I’m off to see if my phone has this blue filter option from your suggestions.


    1. Recently my husband and I have been addicted to our local grocery stores chocolate cake, and since we don’t want to share with my son we end up eating it at night lol. Luckily we usually only have it once a week because I notice a difference when I eat it. Thanks for reminding us that healthier food options are the way too go in the long run even though the other options can be easier to access. Thanks for checking this post out and sharing your tips with the other mamas out there I really appreciate it. And let me know if you find the blue light filter. Mine is in the top settings portion of my phone.


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